Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Clash of the cable celebrities

Welcome to my blog! I'm Marisha, and I'm going to be discussing television, since it's something that I know far too well.

I feel that it is only appropriate, as I am a blogger, to inform you that Jon Stewart is an evil bully who likes to invade the homelands of others (in this case, poor old innocent Bill O'Reilly's television studio, and the poor viewing audience of his television show) will be force to sit and watch a public sacrifice to the gods of cable news programs.

Last week, Jon Stewart went on "The O'Reilly Factor." It was not the first time Stewart appeared on O'Reilly's show, and O'Reilly made memorable appearances on "The Daily Show." The two exchanged barbs, but overall, O'Reilly was fairly respectful of Stewart, and there was a good debate between the two. Voices weren't raise too much, and both raised good points about the strengths and weaknesses of their networks and the Obama administration.

However, as Stewart pointed out on "The Daily Show" after the interview, those of us who spend too much time on the Internet apparently assume everyone on television suffers from 'roid rage, and that any disagreement between two people automatically turns into a giant flame war unfolding in real time, in real life.

To quote Stewart...OH, SNAP!

(Image via TinyPic)

Watch out, everyone! If you go on Jon Stewart's show, and he doesn't agree with you, he'll give you a lobotomy faster than you can say "Here it is, your moment of Zen." As for Bill O'Reilly? Wow, he doesn't let anyone else talk on his show, he screams at you so much that your entire face will be blown backwards, like Squidward Tentacles:

(Image via TinyPic)

Yet, in reality, this interview was nowhere near as vicious as these blogs made it seem, nor was there a clear "winner" in this so-called debate.

Sure, our blogs can make it seem as though these television pundits are crazier than they actually are (let's face it, you probably aren't going to get a prime-time slot on television unless you have some unresolved anger issues from your childhood). However, they can also turn these people into unlikely heroes. Jon Stewart may scoff at blogging hysteria, but look on the bright side - we're laughing WITH you, right? We'll be tuning in to your show to see what comes next.

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