Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert join Conan O'Brien at Radio City, my brain explodes

I think the title of this entry says it all. This 7 1/2 minute video from Conan's June 1 show in New York City is basically one of the most amazing things ever to exist. Remember the epic battle Conan, Jon and Stephen had back in 2008, which was basically the only reason I survived the 2007-08 Writers Guild of America Strike? (I wish I could say I was being super melodramatic with that statement, but that would be a lie. That strike nearly made me go insane!)

Well, multiply the amazing qualities of that times infinity. Add in a near-kiss between Stephen and Colbert, more dancing, a "near-death" scene, and a ridiculous outfit from Jon. Watch and weep tears of joy, folks.

Oh yeah, Paul Rudd was there too.

Oh, and SNL's Bill Hader was there too.

(both images via globochem on Tumblr)

Let's not forget Conan jammed with Vampire Weekend.

I was unable to find photographic evidence of this, but the Huffington Post reported that the Office's John Krasinski was there too.

Again, this sounds melodramatic, but I mean it when I say that if I could have been at that show, I probably would have had a heart attack. That's not to say I didn't love my Conan show at MSU, but, I am extremely jealous of everyone at this show. I can't begin to explain my love for everyone in this post, and this was a truly great show!

This fantastic Tumblr account has some more great pictures from the show!


  1. I'm disappointed that missed this show. But I saw this video on YouTube and made me laugh. Stewart and Colbert appeared together in a show is an excellent idea. Colbert appearance is very funny in this show. Well, Stephen Colbert is one of my favorite comedians...

  2. My stomach hurt to see the video because this video is funny. Stewart and Colbert is my favorite comedian. I often watch their shows, but unfortunately at the show I could not attend. Fortunately there was your post. Thanks
